eFeature descriptions¶
Time, voltage and current (if given) are interpolated using interp_step setting (default interp_step = 0.1 ms) before efeatures are extracted from them. Since, they are technically features in eFEL, you can retrieve the interpolated time, voltage and current (if given), like any other feature.
Implemented eFeatures¶
Spike event features¶
SpikeEvent : The indices of the maxima of the peaks.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features:
Units: constant
peak_indices = [i for i in range(1, len(v)) if v[i] > threshold and v[i - 1] < threshold]
SpikeEvent : The times of the maxima of the peaks
Required features: peak_indices
Units: ms
peak_time = time[peak_indices]
SpikeEvent : Time from the start of the stimulus to the maximum of the first peak
Required features: peak_time
Units: ms
time_to_first_spike = peaktime[0] - stimstart
SpikeEvent : Time from stimulus start to last spike
Required features: peak_time (ms), stimstart (ms)
Units: ms
if len(peak_time) > 0: time_to_last_spike = peak_time[-1] - stimstart else: time_to_last_spike = 0
SpikeEvent : Time from the start of the stimulus to the maximum of the second peak
Required features: peak_time
Units: ms
time_to_second_spike = peaktime[1] - stimstart
SpikeEvent : 1.0 over time to first spike (times 1000 to convert it to Hz); returns 0 when no spike
Required features: time_to_first_spike
Units: Hz
if len(time_to_first_spike) > 0: inv_time_to_first_spike = 1000.0 / time_to_first_spike[0] else: inv_time_to_first_spike = 0
ISI Python efeature : The interspike intervals (i.e. time intervals) between adjacent peaks.
Required features: peak_time (ms)
Units: ms
isi_values = numpy.diff(peak_time)[1:]
SpikeEvent : The interspike intervals, i.e., the time intervals between adjacent peaks.
Required features: peak_time (ms)
Units: ms
all_isi_values_vec = numpy.diff(peak_time)
ISI Python efeature : Computes all inverse spike interval values.
Required features: peak_time (ms)
Units: Hz
all_isi_values_vec = numpy.diff(peak_time) inv_isi_values = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec
inv_first_ISI, inv_second_ISI, inv_third_ISI, inv_fourth_ISI, inv_fifth_ISI, inv_last_ISI¶
ISI Python efeature : 1.0 over first/second/third/fourth/fith/last ISI; returns 0 when no ISI
Required features: peak_time (ms)
Units: Hz
all_isi_values_vec = numpy.diff(peak_time) if len(all_isi_values_vec) > 0: inv_first_ISI = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec[0] else: inv_first_ISI = 0 if len(all_isi_values_vec) > 1: inv_second_ISI = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec[1] else: inv_second_ISI = 0 if len(all_isi_values_vec) > 2: inv_third_ISI = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec[2] else: inv_third_ISI = 0 if len(all_isi_values_vec) > 3: inv_fourth_ISI = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec[3] else: inv_fourth_ISI = 0 if len(all_isi_values_vec) > 4: inv_fifth_ISI = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec[4] else: inv_fifth_ISI = 0 if len(all_isi_values_vec) > 0: inv_last_ISI = 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec[-1] else: inv_last_ISI = 0
SpikeEvent : The time interval between the first two peaks
Required features: peak_time (ms)
Units: ms
doublet_ISI = peak_time[1] - peak_time[0]
ISI Python efeature : The slope of a linear fit to a semilog plot of the ISI values.
Attention: the 1st ISI is not taken into account unless ignore_first_ISI is set to 0. See Python efeature: ISIs feature for more details.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, ISI_values
Units: ms
x = range(1, len(ISI_values)+1) log_ISI_values = numpy.log(ISI_values) slope, _ = numpy.polyfit(x, log_ISI_values, 1) ISI_semilog_slope = slope
ISI Python efeature : The slope of a linear fit to a loglog plot of the ISI values.
Attention: the 1st ISI is not taken into account unless ignore_first_ISI is set to 0. See Python efeature: ISIs feature for more details.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, ISI_values
Units: ms
log_x = numpy.log(range(1, len(ISI_values)+1)) log_ISI_values = numpy.log(ISI_values) slope, _ = numpy.polyfit(log_x, log_ISI_values, 1) ISI_log_slope = slope
ISI Python efeature : The slope of a linear fit to a loglog plot of the ISI values, but not taking into account the first ISI values.
The proportion of ISI values to be skipped is given by spike_skipf (between 0 and 1). However, if this number of ISI values to skip is higher than max_spike_skip, then max_spike_skip is taken instead.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, ISI_values
Parameters: spike_skipf (default=0.1), max_spike_skip (default=2)
Units: ms
start_idx = min([max_spike_skip, round((len(ISI_values) + 1) * spike_skipf)]) ISI_values = ISI_values[start_idx:] log_x = numpy.log(range(1, len(ISI_values)+1)) log_ISI_values = numpy.log(ISI_values) slope, _ = numpy.polyfit(log_x, log_ISI_values, 1) ISI_log_slope = slope
ISI Python efeature : The coefficient of variation of the ISIs.
Attention: the 1st ISI is not taken into account unless ignore_first_ISI is set to 0. See Python efeature: ISIs feature for more details.
Required features: ISIs
Units: constant
ISI_mean = numpy.mean(ISI_values) ISI_CV = np.std(isi_values, ddof=1) / ISI_mean
ISI Python efeature : Mean of the absolute difference of all ISIs, except the first one (see Python efeature: ISIs feature for more details.)
The first ISI can be taken into account if ignore_first_ISI is set to 0.
Required features: ISI_values
Units: ms
irregularity_index = numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(ISI_values[1:] - ISI_values[:-1]))
SpikeEvent : Normalized average difference of two consecutive ISIs, skipping the first ISIs
The proportion of ISI values to be skipped is given by spike_skipf (between 0 and 1). However, if this number of ISI values to skip is higher than max_spike_skip, then max_spike_skip is taken instead.
The adaptation index is zero for a constant firing rate and bigger than zero for a decreasing firing rate
Required features: stim_start, stim_end, peak_time
Parameters: offset (default=0), spike_skipf (default=0.1), max_spike_skip (default=2)
Units: constant
# skip the first ISIs peak_selection = [peak_time >= stim_start - offset, peak_time <= stim_end - offset] spike_time = peak_time[numpy.all(peak_selection, axis=0)] start_idx = min([max_spike_skip, round(len(spike_time) * spike_skipf)]) spike_time = spike_time[start_idx:] # compute the adaptation index ISI_values = spike_time[1:] - spike_time[:-1] ISI_sum = ISI_values[1:] + ISI_values[:-1] ISI_sub = ISI_values[1:] - ISI_values[:-1] adaptation_index = numpy.mean(ISI_sum / ISI_sub)
SpikeEvent : Normalized average difference of two consecutive ISIs, starting at the second ISI
The adaptation index is zero for a constant firing rate and bigger than zero for a decreasing firing rate
Required features: stim_start, stim_end, peak_time
Parameters: offset (default=0)
Units: constant
# skip the first ISI peak_selection = [peak_time >= stim_start - offset, peak_time <= stim_end - offset] spike_time = peak_time[numpy.all(peak_selection, axis=0)] spike_time = spike_time[1:] # compute the adaptation index ISI_values = spike_time[1:] - spike_time[:-1] ISI_sum = ISI_values[1:] + ISI_values[:-1] ISI_sub = ISI_values[1:] - ISI_values[:-1] adaptation_index = numpy.mean(ISI_sum / ISI_sub)
Python efeature : Number of spikes in the trace, including outside of stimulus interval
Required features: peak_indices
Units: constant
spike_count = len(peak_indices)
Note: “spike_count” is the new name for the feature “Spikecount”. “Spikecount”, while still available, will be removed in the future.
Python efeature : Number of spikes inside the stimulus interval
Required features: peak_time
Units: constant
peaktimes_stimint = numpy.where((peak_time >= stim_start) & (peak_time <= stim_end)) spike_count_stimint = len(peaktimes_stimint)
Note: “spike_count_stimint” is the new name for the feature “Spikecount_stimint”. “Spikecount_stimint”, while still available, will be removed in the future.
SpikeEvent : Number of spikes at the beginning of the stimulus
Required features: peak_time
Required parameters: initial_perc (default=0.1)
Units: constant
initial_length = (stimend - stimstart) * initial_perc number_initial_spikes = len(numpy.where( \ (peak_time >= stimstart) & \ (peak_time <= stimstart + initial_length)))
SpikeEvent : The mean frequency of the firing rate
Required features: stim_start, stim_end, peak_time
Units: Hz
condition = np.all((stim_start < peak_time, peak_time < stim_end), axis=0) spikecount = len(peak_time[condition]) last_spike_time = peak_time[peak_time < stim_end][-1] mean_frequency = 1000 * spikecount / (last_spike_time - stim_start)
SpikeEvent : The indices of the first peak of each burst.
The indices are to be applied to the peak_time feature, and not time or voltage.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: all_ISI_values
Units: constant
burst_begin_indices = [1] burst_end_indices = [] count = 1 for i in range(2, len(isi_values)): d_median = numpy.median(isi_values[count:i]) in_burst = ( len(burst_end_indices) == 0 or burst_begin_indices[-1] > burst_end_indices[-1] ) // look for end burst if in_burst and isi_values[i] > (burst_factor * d_median): burst_end_indices.append(i) count = i if isi_values[i] < isi_values[i - 1] / burst_factor: if in_burst: burst_begin_indices[-1] = i else: burst_begin_indices.append(i) count = i
SpikeEvent : The indices of the last peak of each burst.
The indices are to be applied to the peak_time feature, and not time or voltage.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: all_ISI_values
Units: constant
burst_begin_indices = [1] burst_end_indices = [] count = 1 for i in range(2, len(isi_values)): d_median = numpy.median(isi_values[count:i]) in_burst = ( len(burst_end_indices) == 0 or burst_begin_indices[-1] > burst_end_indices[-1] ) // look for end burst if in_burst and isi_values[i] > (burst_factor * d_median): burst_end_indices.append(i) count = i if isi_values[i] < isi_values[i - 1] / burst_factor: if in_burst: burst_begin_indices[-1] = i else: burst_begin_indices.append(i) count = i
SpikeEvent : The mean frequency during a burst for each burst
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: burst_begin_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_time
Units: Hz
if burst_begin_indices is None or burst_end_indices is None: strict_burst_mean_freq = None else: strict_burstmean_freq = ( (burst_end_indices - burst_begin_indices + 1) * 1000 / ( peak_time[burst_end_indices] - peak_time[burst_begin_indices] ) )
ISI Python efeature : The indices for each burst beginning. The indices are to be applied to the peak_time feature, and not time or voltage.
Required features: all_ISI_values
Units: constant
burst_indices = [] count = -1 for i in range(1, len(isi_values) - 1): isi_p_copy = isi_values[count + 1: i] n = len(isi_p_copy) if n == 0: continue d_median = np.median(isi_p_copy) # Check burst condition if isi_values[i] > (burst_factor * d_median) and isi_values[i + 1] < ( isi_values[i] / burst_factor ): burst_indices.append(i + 1) count = i - 1
ISI Python efeature : The mean frequency during a burst for each burst
If burst_ISI_indices did not detect any burst beginning, then the spikes are not considered to be part of any burst
Required features: burst_ISI_indices, peak_time
Units: Hz
if burst_ISI_indices is None: return None elif len(burst_ISI_indices) == 0: return [] burst_mean_freq = [] burst_index = numpy.insert( burst_index_tmp, burst_index_tmp.size, len(peak_time) - 1 ) # 1st burst span = peak_time[burst_index[0]] - peak_time[0] N_peaks = burst_index[0] + 1 burst_mean_freq.append(N_peaks * 1000 / span) for i, burst_idx in enumerate(burst_index[:-1]): if burst_index[i + 1] - burst_idx != 1: span = peak_time[burst_index[i + 1]] - peak_time[burst_idx + 1] N_peaks = burst_index[i + 1] - burst_idx burst_mean_freq.append(N_peaks * 1000 / span) return burst_mean_freq
ISI Python efeature : The number of bursts
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: strict_burst_mean_freq
Units: constant
burst_number = len(strict_burst_mean_freq)
Python efeature : The number of bursts
Required features: burst_mean_freq
Units: constant
burst_number = len(burst_mean_freq)
ISI Python efeature : Length of the second isi over the median of the rest of the isis. The first isi is not taken into account, because it could bias the feature. See ISI_values feature for more details.
If ignore_first_ISI is set to 0, then signle burst ratio becomes the length of the first isi over the median of the rest of the isis.
Required features: ISI_values
Units: constant
single_burst_ratio = ISI_values[0] / numpy.mean(ISI_values)
Python efeature : Number of spikes in each burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: burst_begin_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: constant
spike_per_bursts = [] for idx_begin, idx_end in zip(burst_begin_indices, burst_end_indices): spike_per_bursts.append(idx_end - idx_begin + 1)
Python efeature : Difference of number of spikes between each burst and the next one.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: spikes_per_burst
Units: constant
spikes_per_burst[:-1] - spikes_per_burst[1:]
Python efeature : Difference of number of spikes between the first burst and the second one.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: spikes_per_burst_diff
Units: constant
Python efeature : Difference of number of spikes between the first burst and the last one.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: spikes_per_burst
Units: constant
numpy.array([spikes_per_burst[0] - spikes_per_burst[-1]])
SpikeEvent : The voltage average in between two bursts
Iterating over the burst indices determine the first peak of each burst. Starting 5 ms after the previous peak, take the voltage average until 5 ms before the peak.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: burst_begin_indices, peak_indices
Units: mV
interburst_voltage = [] for idx in burst_begin_idxs[1:]: ts_idx = peak_idxs[idx - 1] t_start = t[ts_idx] + 5 start_idx = numpy.argwhere(t < t_start)[-1][0] te_idx = peak_idxs[idx] t_end = t[te_idx] - 5 end_idx = numpy.argwhere(t > t_end)[0][0] interburst_voltage.append(numpy.mean(v[start_idx:end_idx + 1]))
ISI Python efeature : The voltage average in between two bursts
Iterating over the burst ISI indices determine the last peak before the burst. Starting 5 ms after that peak take the voltage average until 5 ms before the first peak of the subsequent burst.
Required features: burst_ISI_indices, peak_indices
Units: mV
interburst_voltage = [] for idx in burst_ISI_idxs: ts_idx = peak_idxs[idx] t_start = time[ts_idx] + 5 start_idx = numpy.argwhere(time < t_start)[-1][0] te_idx = peak_idxs[idx + 1] t_end = time[te_idx] - 5 end_idx = numpy.argwhere(time > t_end)[0][0] interburst_voltage.append(numpy.mean(voltage[start_idx:end_idx + 1]))
SpikeEvent : Indices at minimum voltage between the end of a burst and the next spike.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: constant
interburst_min = [ numpy.argmin( v[peak_indices[i]:peak_indices[i + 1]] ) for i in burst_end_indices if i + 1 < len(peak_indices) ]
SpikeEvent : The minimum voltage between the end of a burst and the next spike.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: mV
interburst_min = [ numpy.min( v[peak_indices[i]:peak_indices[i + 1]] ) for i in burst_end_indices if i + 1 < len(peak_indices) ]
SpikeEvent : Duration between the last spike of each burst and the next spike.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: burst_end_indices, peak_time
Units: ms
interburst_duration = [ peak_time[idx + 1] - peak_time[idx] for idx in burst_end_indices if idx + 1 < len(peak_time) ]
interburst_15percent_indices, interburst_20percent_indices, interburst_25percent_indices, interburst_30percent_indices, interburst_40percent_indices, interburst_60percent_indices¶
SpikeEvent : Indices after a given percentage (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40% or 60%) of the interburst duration after the fast AHP.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: postburst_fast_ahp_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_indices
Units: constant
interburst_XXpercent_indices = [] for i, postburst_fahp_i in enumerate(postburst_fahpi): if i < len(burst_endi) and burst_endi[i] + 1 < len(peaki): time_interval = t[peaki[burst_endi[i] + 1]] - t[postburst_fahp_i] time_at_XXpercent = t[postburst_fahp_i] + time_interval * percentage / 100. index_at_XXpercent = numpy.argwhere(t >= time_at_XXpercent)[0][0] interburst_XXpercent_indices.append(index_at_XXpercent)
interburst_15percent_values, interburst_20percent_values, interburst_25percent_values, interburst_30percent_values, interburst_40percent_values, interburst_60percent_values¶
SpikeEvent : Voltage value after a given percentage (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40% or 60%) of the interburst duration after the fast AHP.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: postburst_fast_ahp_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_indices
Units: mV
interburst_XXpercent_values = [] for i, postburst_fahp_i in enumerate(postburst_fahpi): if i < len(burst_endi) and burst_endi[i] + 1 < len(peaki): time_interval = t[peaki[burst_endi[i] + 1]] - t[postburst_fahp_i] time_at_XXpercent = t[postburst_fahp_i] + time_interval * percentage / 100. index_at_XXpercent = numpy.argwhere(t >= time_at_XXpercent)[0][0] interburst_XXpercent_values.append(v[index_at_XXpercent])
SpikeEvent : The time between the last spike of a burst and the minimum between that spike and the next.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_time
Units: ms
time_to_interburst_min = [ t[peak_indices[i] + numpy.argmin( v[peak_indices[i]:peak_indices[i + 1]] )] - peak_time[i] for i in burst_end_indices if i + 1 < len(peak_indices) ]
SpikeEvent : The time between the last spike of a burst and the slow ahp afterwards.
The number of ms to skip after the spike to skip fast AHP and look for slow AHP can be set with sahp_start. Default is 5.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: postburst_slow_ahp_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_time
Units: ms
time_to_postburst_slow_ahp_py = t[postburst_slow_ahp_indices] - peak_time[burst_end_indices]
SpikeEvent : The indices of the minimum voltage after the end of a burst.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: constant
postburst_min = [ numpy.argmin( v[peak_indices[i]:peak_indices[i + 1]] ) + peak_indices[i] for i in burst_end_indices if i + 1 < len(peak_indices) ] if len(postburst_min) < len(burst_end_indices): if t[burst_end_indices[-1]] < stim_end: end_idx = numpy.where(t >= stim_end)[0][0] postburst_min.append( numpy.argmin( v[peak_indices[burst_end_indices[-1]]:end_idx] ) + peak_indices[burst_end_indices[-1]] ) else: postburst_min.append( numpy.argmin( v[peak_indices[burst_end_indices[-1]]:] ) + peak_indices[burst_end_indices[-1]] )
SpikeEvent : The minimum voltage after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: mV
postburst_min = [ numpy.min( v[peak_indices[i]:peak_indices[i + 1]] ) for i in burst_end_indices if i + 1 < len(peak_indices) ] if len(postburst_min) < len(burst_end_indices): if t[burst_end_indices[-1]] < stim_end: end_idx = numpy.where(t >= stim_end)[0][0] postburst_min.append(numpy.min( v[peak_indices[burst_end_indices[-1]]:end_idx] )) else: postburst_min.append(numpy.min( v[peak_indices[burst_end_indices[-1]]:] ))
SpikeEvent : The indices of the slow AHP voltage after the end of a burst.
The number of ms to skip after the spike (in order to skip fast AHP and look for slow AHP) can be set with sahp_start. Default is 5.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: constant
postburst_slow_ahp = [] for i in burst_end_indices: i_start = numpy.where(t >= t[peak_indices[i]] + sahp_start)[0][0] if i + 1 < len(peak_indices): postburst_slow_ahp.append(numpy.argmin(v[i_start:peak_indices[i + 1]]) + i_start) else: if t[burst_end_indices[-1]] < stim_end: end_idx = numpy.where(t >= stim_end)[0][0] postburst_slow_ahp.append(numpy.argmin(v[i_start:end_idx]) + i_start) else: postburst_slow_ahp.append(numpy.argmin(v[i_start:]) + i_start)
SpikeEvent : The slow AHP voltage after the end of a burst.
The number of ms to skip after the spike to skip fast AHP and look for slow AHP can be set with sahp_start. Default is 5.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: mV
postburst_slow_ahp = [] for i in burst_end_indices: i_start = numpy.where(t >= t[peak_indices[i]] + sahp_start)[0][0] if i + 1 < len(peak_indices): postburst_slow_ahp.append(numpy.min(v[i_start:peak_indices[i + 1]])) else: if t[burst_end_indices[-1]] < stim_end: end_idx = numpy.where(t >= stim_end)[0][0] postburst_slow_ahp.append(numpy.min(v[i_start:end_idx])) else: postburst_slow_ahp.append(numpy.min(v[i_start:]))
SpikeEvent : The indices of the fast AHP voltage after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: constant
postburst_fahp = [] for i in burst_end_indices: if i + 1 < len(peak_indices): stop_i = peak_indices[i + 1] elif i + 1 < stim_end_index: stop_i = stim_end_index else: stop_i = len(v) - 1 v_crop = v[peak_indices[i]:stop_i] # get where the voltage is going up crop_args = numpy.argwhere(numpy.diff(v_crop) >= 0)[:,0] # the voltage should go up for at least two consecutive points crop_arg_arg = numpy.argwhere(numpy.diff(crop_args) == 1)[0][0] crop_arg = crop_args[crop_arg_arg] end_i = peak_indices[i] + crop_arg + 1 # the fast ahp is between last peak of burst and the point where voltage is going back up postburst_fahp.append(numpy.argmin(v[peak_indices[i]:end_i]) + peak_indices[i]) return postburst_fahp
SpikeEvent : The fast AHP voltage after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: peak_indices, burst_end_indices
Units: mV
postburst_fahp = [] for i in burst_end_indices: if i + 1 < len(peak_indices): stop_i = peak_indices[i + 1] elif i + 1 < stim_end_index: stop_i = stim_end_index else: stop_i = len(v) - 1 v_crop = v[peak_indices[i]:stop_i] # get where the voltage is going up crop_args = numpy.argwhere(numpy.diff(v_crop) >= 0)[:,0] # the voltage should go up for at least two consecutive points crop_arg_arg = numpy.argwhere(numpy.diff(crop_args) == 1)[0][0] crop_arg = crop_args[crop_arg_arg] end_i = peak_indices[i] + crop_arg + 1 # the fast ahp is between last peak of burst and the point where voltage is going back up postburst_fahp.append(numpy.min(v[peak_indices[i]:end_i])) return postburst_fahp
SpikeEvent : The indices of the small ADP peak after the fast AHP after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: postburst_fast_ahp_indices, postburst_slow_ahp_indices
Units: constant
adp_peak_indices = [] for i, sahpi in enumerate(postburst_sahpi): if sahpi < postburst_fahpi[i]: continue adppeaki = numpy.argmax(v[postburst_fahpi[i]:sahpi]) + postburst_fahpi[i] if adppeaki != sahpi - 1: adp_peak_indices.append(adppeaki)
SpikeEvent : The small ADP peak after the fast AHP after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: postburst_fast_ahp_indices, postburst_slow_ahp_indices
Units: mV
adp_peak_values = [] for i, sahpi in enumerate(postburst_sahpi): if sahpi < postburst_fahpi[i]: continue adppeaki = numpy.argmax(v[postburst_fahpi[i]:sahpi]) + postburst_fahpi[i] if adppeaki != sahpi - 1: adp_peak_values.append(v[adppeaki]) if len(adp_peak_values) == 0: return None return adp_peak_values
SpikeEvent : Time to the fast AHP after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: postburst_fast_ahp_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_time
Units: ms
[t[fahpi] - peak_time[burst_endi[i]] for i, fahpi in enumerate(postburst_fahpi)]
SpikeEvent : Time to the small ADP peak after the fast AHP after the end of a burst.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting strict_burst_factor. Defalt value is 2.0.
Required features: postburst_adp_peak_indices, burst_end_indices, peak_time
Units: ms
time_to_postburst_adp_peaks = [] n_peaks = len(peak_time) for i, adppeaki in enumerate(postburst_adppeaki): # there are not always an adp peak after each burst # so make sure that the burst and adp peak indices are consistent k = 0 while ( burst_endi[i] + k + 1 < n_peaks and peak_time[burst_endi[i] + k + 1] < t[adppeaki] ): k += 1 time_to_postburst_adp_peaks.append(t[adppeaki] - peak_time[burst_endi[i] + k]) return time_to_postburst_adp_peaks
Validation Python efeature : Checks the initiation of action potential in AIS with respect to soma. Returns True if no spike in the soma starts earlier than in the AIS.
Attention! This cannot be used with the efel.get_feature_values function. You have to use the efel.pyfeatures.validation.check_ais_initiation function, and pass it both the soma trace and the ais trace.
Required features: AP_begin_time
Units: constant
Spike shape features¶
SpikeShape : The voltages at the maxima of the peaks
Required features: peak_indices
Units: mV
peak_voltage = voltage[peak_indices]
SpikeShape : Same as peak_voltage: The voltages at the maxima of the peaks
Required features: peak_voltage
Units: mV
AP_height = peak_voltage
AP_amplitude, AP1_amp, AP2_amp, APlast_amp¶
SpikeShape : The relative height of the action potential from spike onset
Required features: AP_begin_indices, peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
AP_amplitude = peak_voltage - voltage[AP_begin_indices] AP1_amp = AP_amplitude[0] AP2_amp = AP_amplitude[1] APlast_amp = AP_amplitude[-1]
SpikeShape : The mean of all of the action potential amplitudes
Required features: AP_amplitude (mV)
Units: mV
mean_AP_amplitude = numpy.mean(AP_amplitude)
SpikeShape : Difference of the amplitudes of the second and the first action potential divided by the amplitude of the first action potential
Required features: AP_amplitude
Units: constant
AP_amplitude_change = (AP_amplitude[1:] - AP_amplitude[0]) / AP_amplitude[0]
SpikeShape : The relative height of the action potential from voltage base
Required features: voltage_base, peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
AP_amplitude_from_voltagebase = peak_voltage - voltage_base
AP1_peak, AP2_peak¶
SpikeShape : The peak voltage of the first and second action potentials
Required features: peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
AP1_peak = peak_voltage[0] AP2_peak = peak_voltage[1]
SpikeShape : Difference amplitude of the second to first spike
Required features: AP_amplitude (mV)
Units: mV
AP2_AP1_diff = AP_amplitude[1] - AP_amplitude[0]
SpikeShape : Difference peak voltage of the second to first spike
Required features: peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
AP2_AP1_diff = peak_voltage[1] - peak_voltage[0]
SpikeShape : Difference of the amplitude of the first and the second peak
Required features: peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
amp_drop_first_second = peak_voltage[0] - peak_voltage[1]
SpikeShape : Difference of the amplitude of the first and the last peak
Required features: peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
amp_drop_first_last = peak_voltage[0] - peak_voltage[-1]
SpikeShape : Difference of the amplitude of the second and the last peak
Required features: peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
amp_drop_second_last = peak_voltage[1] - peak_voltage[-1]
SpikeShape : Maximum difference of the height of two subsequent peaks
Required features: peak_voltage (mV)
Units: mV
max_amp_difference = numpy.max(peak_voltage[:-1] - peak_voltage[1:])
SpikeShape : Difference of the amplitude of two subsequent peaks
Required features: AP_amplitude (mV)
Units: mV
AP_amplitude_diff = AP_amplitude[1:] - AP_amplitude[:-1]
SpikeShape : Indices of the first after-hyperpolarization of each spike.
Required features: peak_indices
Units: constant
peak_indices_plus = peak_indices peak_indices_plus.append(len(voltage) - 1) for i in range(peak_indices): min_AHP_indices.append(numpy.argmin(v[i:i + 1]) + i)
SpikeShape : Absolute voltage values at the first after-hyperpolarization.
Required features: min_AHP_indices
Units: mV
SpikeShape : Relative voltage values at the first after-hyperpolarization
Required features: voltage_base (mV), min_AHP_values (mV)
Units: mV
min_AHP_values = first_min_element(voltage, peak_indices) AHP_depth = min_AHP_values[:] - voltage_base
SpikeShape : Absolute voltage values at the first after-hyperpolarization. Is the same as min_AHP_values
Required features: min_AHP_values (mV)
Units: mV
SpikeShape : Difference of subsequent relative voltage values at the first after-hyperpolarization
Required features: AHP_depth (mV)
Units: mV
AHP_depth_diff = AHP_depth[1:] - AHP_depth[:-1]
AHP_depth_from_peak, AHP1_depth_from_peak, AHP2_depth_from_peak¶
SpikeShape : Voltage difference between AP peaks and first AHP depths
Required features: peak_indices, min_AHP_indices
Units: mV
AHP_depth_from_peak = v[peak_indices] - v[min_AHP_indices] AHP1_depth_from_peak = AHP_depth_from_peak[0] AHP2_depth_from_peak = AHP_depth_from_peak[1]
SpikeShape : Time between AP peaks and first AHP depths
Required features: peak_indices, min_AHP_values (mV)
Units: ms
min_AHP_indices = first_min_element(voltage, peak_indices) AHP_time_from_peak = t[min_AHP_indices[:]] - t[peak_indices[i]]
SpikeShape : Voltage value of the action potential onset relative to the subsequent AHP
Ignores the last spike
Required features: AP_begin_indices, min_AHP_values
Units: mV
fast_AHP = voltage[AP_begin_indices[:-1]] - voltage[min_AHP_indices[:-1]]
SpikeShape : Difference of the fast AHP of the second and the first action potential divided by the fast AHP of the first action potential
Required features: fast_AHP
Units: constant
fast_AHP_change = (fast_AHP[1:] - fast_AHP[0]) / fast_AHP[0]
SpikeShape : Absolute voltage values at the first after-hyperpolarization starting a given number of ms (default: 5) after the peak
Required features: peak_indices
Units: mV
SpikeShape : Relative voltage values at the first after-hyperpolarization starting a given number of ms (default: 5) after the peak
Required features: voltage_base (mV), AHP_depth_abs_slow (mV)
Units: mV
AHP_depth_slow = AHP_depth_abs_slow[:] - voltage_base
SpikeShape : Time difference between slow AHP (see AHP_depth_abs_slow) and peak, divided by interspike interval
Required features: AHP_depth_abs_slow
Units: constant
SpikeShape : Indices of the small afterdepolarization peak
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
strict_stiminterval should be set to True for this feature to behave as expected.
Required features: min_AHP_indices, min_between_peaks_indices
Units: constant
adp_peak_indices = numpy.array( [numpy.argmax(v[i:j + 1]) for (i, j) in zip(min_AHP_indices, min_v_indices)] )
SpikeShape : Absolute voltage values of the small afterdepolarization peak
strict_stiminterval should be set to True for this feature to behave as expected.
Required features: min_AHP_indices, min_between_peaks_indices
Units: mV
adp_peak_values = numpy.array( [numpy.max(v[i:j + 1]) for (i, j) in zip(min_AHP_indices, min_v_indices)] )
SpikeShape : Amplitude of the small afterdepolarization peak with respect to the fast AHP voltage
strict_stiminterval should be set to True for this feature to behave as expected.
Required features: min_AHP_values, ADP_peak_values
Units: mV
adp_peak_amplitude = adp_peak_values - min_AHP_values
SpikeShape : Mean voltage between consecutive spikes (from the end of one spike to the beginning of the next one)
Required features: AP_end_indices, AP_begin_indices
Units: mV
depolarized_base = [] for (start_idx, end_idx) in zip( AP_end_indices[:-1], AP_begin_indices[1:]) ): depolarized_base.append(numpy.mean(voltage[start_idx:end_idx]))
SpikeShape : Minimal voltage between consecutive spikes
Required features: peak_indices
Units: mV
min_voltage_between_spikes = [] for peak1, peak2 in zip(peak_indices[:-1], peak_indices[1:]): min_voltage_between_spikes.append(numpy.min(voltage[peak1:peak2]))
SpikeShape : Indices of the minimal voltage between consecutive spikes
The last value of min_between_peaks_values is the minimum between last spike and stimulus end if strict stiminterval is True, or minimum between last spike and last voltage value if strict stiminterval is False
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: peak_indices
Units: constant
if strict_stiminterval: end_idx = numpy.argmin(t >= stim_end)[0][0] else: end_idx = len(time) - 1 peak_indices_plus = peak_indices peak_indices_plus.append(end_idx) for i in range(peak_indices): min_between_peaks_indices.append(numpy.argmin(v[i:i + 1]) + i)
SpikeShape : Minimal voltage between consecutive spikes
The last value of min_between_peaks_values is the minimum between last spike and stimulus end if strict stiminterval is True, and minimum between last spike and last voltage value if strict stiminterval is False
Required features: min_between_peaks_indices
Units: mV
min_between_peaks_values = v[min_between_peaks_indices]
SpikeShape : indices at the half-height of the spike, in the rising phase of the spike.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: peak_indices, AP_begin_indices
Units: constant
AP_rise_indices = [] for i in range(len(peak_indices)): halfheight = (v[AP_begin_indices[i]] + v[peak_indices[i]] ) / 2. diff = abs(v[AP_begin_indices[i]:peak_indices[i]] - halfheight) AP_rise_indices.append(numpy.argmin(diff) + AP_begin_indices[i])
SpikeShape : indices at the half-height of the spike, in the falling phase of the spike.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: peak_indices, AP_begin_indices, AP_end_indices
Units: constant
AP_rise_indices = [] for i in range(len(peak_indices)): halfheight = (v[peak_indices[i]] + v[AP_begin_indices[i]] ) / 2. diff = abs(v[peak_indices[i]:AP_end_indices[i]] - halfheight) AP_rise_indices.append(numpy.argmin(diff) + peak_indices[i])
SpikeShape : Width of spike at half spike amplitude, with spike onset as described in AP_begin_time
Required features: AP_rise_indices, AP_fall_indices
Units: ms
AP_rise_indices = index_before_peak((v(peak_indices) - v(AP_begin_indices)) / 2) AP_fall_indices = index_after_peak((v(peak_indices) - v(AP_begin_indices)) / 2) AP_duration_half_width = t(AP_fall_indices) - t(AP_rise_indices)
SpikeShape : Difference of the FWHM of the second and the first action potential divided by the FWHM of the first action potential
Required features: AP_duration_half_width
Units: constant
AP_duration_half_width_change = ( AP_duration_half_width[1:] - AP_duration_half_width[0] ) / AP_duration_half_width[0]
SpikeShape : Width of spike at threshold, bounded by minimum AHP
Can use strict_stiminterval compute only for data in stimulus interval.
Required features: peak_indices, min_AHP_indices, threshold
Units: ms
min_AHP_indices = numpy.concatenate([[stim_start], min_AHP_indices]) for i in range(len(min_AHP_indices)-1): onset_index = numpy.where(v[min_AHP_indices[i]:min_AHP_indices[i+1]] > threshold)[0] onset_time[i] = t[onset_index] offset_time[i] = t[numpy.where(v[onset_index:min_AHP_indices[i+1]] < threshold)[0]] AP_width[i] = t(offset_time[i]) - t(onset_time[i])
SpikeShape : Duration of an action potential from onset to offset
Required features: AP_begin_indices, AP_end_indices
Units: ms
AP_duration = time[AP_end_indices] - time[AP_begin_indices]
SpikeShape : Difference of the durations of the second and the first action potential divided by the duration of the first action potential
Required features: AP_duration
Units: constant
AP_duration_change = (AP_duration[1:] - AP_duration[0]) / AP_duration[0]
SpikeShape : Width of spike at threshold, bounded by minimum between peaks
Can use strict_stiminterval to not use minimum after stimulus end.
Required features: peak_indices, min_between_peaks_indices, threshold
Units: ms
min_between_peaks_indices = numpy.concatenate([[stim_start], min_between_peaks_indices]) for i in range(len(min_between_peaks_indices)-1): onset_index = numpy.where(v[min_between_peaks_indices[i]:min_between_peaks_indices[i+1]] > threshold)[0] onset_time[i] = t[onset_index] offset_time[i] = t[numpy.where(v[onset_index:min_between_peaks_indices[i+1]] < threshold)[0]] AP_width[i] = t(offset_time[i]) - t(onset_time[i])
spike_half_width, AP1_width, AP2_width, APlast_width¶
SpikeShape : Width of spike at half spike amplitude, with the spike amplitude taken as the difference between the minimum between two peaks and the next peak
Required features: peak_indices, min_AHP_indices
Units: ms
min_AHP_indices = numpy.concatenate([[stim_start], min_AHP_indices]) for i in range(1, len(min_AHP_indices)): v_half_width = (v[peak_indices[i-1]] + v[min_AHP_indices[i]]) / 2. rise_idx = numpy.where(v[min_AHP_indices[i-1]:peak_indices[i-1]] > v_half_width)[0] v_dev = v_half_width - v[rise_idx] delta_v = v[rise_idx] - v[rise_idx - 1] delta_t = t[rise_idx] - t[rise_idx - 1] t_dev_rise = delta_t * v_dev / delta_v fall_idx = numpy.where(v[peak_indices[i-1]:min_AHP_indices[i]] < v_half_width)[0] v_dev = v_half_width - v[fall_idx] delta_v = v[fall_idx] - v[fall_idx - 1] delta_t = t[fall_idx] - t[fall_idx - 1] t_dev_fall = delta_t * v_dev / delta_v spike_half_width[i] = t[fall_idx] + t_dev_fall - t[rise_idx] - t_dev_rise AP1_width = spike_half_width[0] AP2_width = spike_half_width[1] APlast_width = spike_half_width[-1]
SpikeShape : Width of spike at half spike amplitude, with the spike onset taken as the maximum of the second derivative of the voltage in the range between the minimum between two peaks and the next peak
Required features: peak_indices, min_AHP_indices
Units: ms
for i in range(len(min_AHP_indices)): dv2 = CentralDiffDerivative(CentralDiffDerivative(v[min_AHP_indices[i]:peak_indices[i + 1]])) peak_onset_idx = numpy.argmax(dv2) + min_AHP_indices[i] v_half_width = (v[peak_indices[i + 1]] + v[peak_onset_idx]) / 2. rise_idx = numpy.where(v[peak_onset_idx:peak_indices[i + 1]] > v_half_width)[0] v_dev = v_half_width - v[rise_idx] delta_v = v[rise_idx] - v[rise_idx - 1] delta_t = t[rise_idx] - t[rise_idx - 1] t_dev_rise = delta_t * v_dev / delta_v fall_idx = numpy.where(v[peak_indices[i + 1]:] < v_half_width)[0] v_dev = v_half_width - v[fall_idx] delta_v = v[fall_idx] - v[fall_idx - 1] delta_t = t[fall_idx] - t[fall_idx - 1] t_dev_fall = delta_t * v_dev / delta_v spike_width2[i] = t[fall_idx] + t_dev_fall - t[rise_idx] - t_dev_rise
AP_begin_width, AP1_begin_width, AP2_begin_width¶
SpikeShape : Width of spike at spike start
Required features: min_AHP_indices, AP_begin_indices
Units: ms
for i in range(len(min_AHP_indices)): rise_idx = AP_begin_indices[i] fall_idx = numpy.where(v[rise_idx + 1:min_AHP_indices[i]] < v[rise_idx])[0] AP_begin_width[i] = t[fall_idx] - t[rise_idx] AP1_begin_width = AP_begin_width[0] AP2_begin_width = AP_begin_width[1]
SpikeShape : Difference width of the second to first spike
Required features: AP_begin_width
Units: ms
AP2_AP1_begin_width_diff = AP_begin_width[1] - AP_begin_width[0]
SpikeShape : Indices of spike start.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: min_AHP_indices, peak_indices
Units: constant
SpikeShape : Indices of spike end.
Attention! This feature represents indices of the interpolated time series. If you want to use it on time or voltage, make sure that you are using the interpolated output time or voltage feature, and not the time or voltage variable you gave as input.
Required features: peak_indices
Units: constant
AP_begin_voltage, AP1_begin_voltage, AP2_begin_voltage¶
SpikeShape : Voltage at spike start
Required features: AP_begin_indices
Units: mV
AP_begin_voltage = v[AP_begin_indices] AP1_begin_voltage = AP_begin_voltage[0] AP2_begin_voltage = AP_begin_voltage[1]
SpikeShape : Time at spike start. Spike start is defined as where the first derivative of the voltage trace is higher than 10 V/s , for at least 5 points
Required features: AP_begin_indices
Units: ms
AP_begin_time = t[AP_begin_indices]
SpikeShape : Maximum of rise rate of spike. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: AP_begin_indices, peak_indices
Units: V/s
ap_peak_upstroke = [] for apbi, pi in zip(ap_begin_indices, peak_indices): ap_peak_upstroke.append(numpy.max(dvdt[apbi:pi]))
SpikeShape : Minimum of fall rate from spike. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: min_AHP_indices, peak_indices
Units: V/s
ap_peak_downstroke = [] for ahpi, pi in zip(min_ahp_indices, peak_indices): ap_peak_downstroke.append(numpy.min(dvdt[pi:ahpi]))
SpikeShape : Time between the AP threshold and the peak, given a window (default: from 0% to 100% of the AP amplitude)
Required features: AP_begin_indices, peak_indices, AP_amplitude
Units: ms
rise_times = [] begin_voltages = AP_amps * rise_start_perc + voltage[AP_begin_indices] end_voltages = AP_amps * rise_end_perc + voltage[AP_begin_indices] for AP_begin_indice, peak_indice, begin_v, end_v in zip( AP_begin_indices, peak_indices, begin_voltages, end_voltages ): voltage_window = voltage[AP_begin_indice:peak_indice] new_begin_indice = AP_begin_indice + numpy.min( numpy.where(voltage_window >= begin_v)[0] ) new_end_indice = AP_begin_indice + numpy.max( numpy.where(voltage_window <= end_v)[0] ) rise_times.append(time[new_end_indice] - time[new_begin_indice])
SpikeShape : Time from action potential maximum to the offset
Required features: AP_end_indices, peak_indices
Units: ms
AP_fall_time = time[AP_end_indices] - time[peak_indices]
SpikeShape : Voltage change rate during the rising phase of the action potential. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: AP_begin_indices, peak_indices
Units: V/s
AP_rise_rate = (voltage[peak_indices] - voltage[AP_begin_indices]) / ( time[peak_indices] - time[AP_begin_indices] )
SpikeShape : Voltage change rate during the falling phase of the action potential. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: AP_end_indices, peak_indices
Units: V/s
AP_fall_rate = (voltage[AP_end_indices] - voltage[peak_indices]) / ( time[AP_end_indices] - time[peak_indices] )
SpikeShape : Difference of the rise rates of the second and the first action potential divided by the rise rate of the first action potential. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: AP_rise_rate_change
Units: constant
AP_rise_rate_change = (AP_rise_rate[1:] - AP_rise_rate[0]) / AP_rise_rate[0]
SpikeShape : Difference of the fall rates of the second and the first action potential divided by the fall rate of the first action potential. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: AP_fall_rate_change
Units: constant
AP_fall_rate_change = (AP_fall_rate[1:] - AP_fall_rate[0]) / AP_fall_rate[0]
SpikeShape : Slope of the V, dVdt phasespace plot at the beginning of every spike (at the point where the derivative crosses the DerivativeThreshold). This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: AP_begin_indices
Parameters: AP_phaseslope_range (default=2)
Units: 1/(ms)
range_max_idxs = AP_begin_indices + AP_phseslope_range range_min_idxs = AP_begin_indices - AP_phseslope_range AP_phaseslope = (dvdt[range_max_idxs] - dvdt[range_min_idxs]) / (v[range_max_idxs] - v[range_min_idxs])
Python efeature : Computes the maximum of the phase slope. Attention, this feature is sensitive to interpolation timestep. This feature can used for AP phase analysis.
Required features: time, voltage
Units: V/s
phaseslope = numpy.diff(voltage) / numpy.diff(time) phaseslope_max = numpy.array([numpy.max(phaseslope)])
Python efeature : Slow AHP voltage after initial burst
The end of the initial burst is detected when the ISIs frequency gets lower than initburst_freq_threshold, in Hz. Then the sahp is searched for the interval between initburst_sahp_start (in ms) after the last spike of the burst, and initburst_sahp_end (in ms) after the last spike of the burst.
Required features: peak_time
Parameters: initburst_freq_threshold (default=50), initburst_sahp_start (default=5), initburst_sahp_end (default=100)
Units: mV
Python efeature : Slow AHP voltage from steady_state_voltage_stimend after initial burst
Required features: steady_state_voltage_stimend, initburst_sahp
Units: mV
numpy.array([initburst_sahp_value[0] - ssse[0]])
Python efeature : Slow AHP voltage from voltage base after initial burst
Required features: voltage_base, initburst_sahp
Units: mV
numpy.array([initburst_sahp_value[0] - voltage_base[0]])
Multitrace Python efeature : Attenuation (ratio of the amplitude of the action potential in the soma and the dendrite) of the backpropagating action potential. The attenuation is computed by first subtracting the resting potential from the voltage traces.
Attention! This cannot be used with the efel.get_feature_values function. You have to use the efel.pyfeatures.multitrace.bpap_attenuation function, and pass it both the soma trace and the dendrite trace.
Required features: voltage_base
Units: constant
return (numpy.max(v_soma) - vb_soma) / (numpy.max(v_dend) - vb_dend)
Subthreshold features¶
Subthreshold : The average voltage during the last 10% of the stimulus duration.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: mV
stim_duration = stim_end - stim_start begin_time = stim_end - 0.1 * stim_duration end_time = stim_end steady_state_voltage_stimend = numpy.mean(voltage[numpy.where((t < end_time) & (t >= begin_time))])
Subthreshold : The average current during the last 10% of the stimulus duration.
Required features: t, I, stim_start, stim_end
Units: nA
stim_duration = stim_end - stim_start begin_time = stim_end - 0.1 * stim_duration end_time = stim_end steady_state_current_stimend = numpy.mean(current[numpy.where((t < end_time) & (t >= begin_time))])
Subthreshold : Steady state voltage during hyperpolarization for 30 data points (after interpolation)
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: mV
stim_end_idx = numpy.argwhere(time >= stim_end)[0][0] steady_state_hyper = numpy.mean(voltage[stim_end_idx - 35:stim_end_idx - 5])
Subthreshold : The average voltage after the stimulus
Required features: t, V, stim_end
Units: mV
steady_state_voltage = numpy.mean(voltage[numpy.where((t <= max(t)) & (t > stim_end))])
Subthreshold : The average voltage during the last 10% of time before the stimulus.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Parameters: voltage_base_start_perc (default = 0.9), voltage_base_end_perc (default = 1.0)
Units: mV
voltage_base = numpy.mean(voltage[numpy.where( (t >= voltage_base_start_perc * stim_start) & (t <= voltage_base_end_perc * stim_start))])
Subthreshold : The average current during the last 10% of time before the stimulus.
Required features: t, I, stim_start, stim_end
Parameters: current_base_start_perc (default = 0.9), current_base_end_perc (default = 1.0), precision_threshold (default = 1e-10), current_base_mode (can be “mean” or “median”, default=”mean”)
Units: nA
current_slice = I[numpy.where( (t >= current_base_start_perc * stim_start) & (t <= current_base_end_perc * stim_start))] if current_base_mode == "mean": current_base = numpy.mean(current_slice) elif current_base_mode == "median": current_base = numpy.median(current_slice)
Subthreshold : The membrane time constant
The extraction of the time constant requires a voltage trace of a cell in a hyper- polarized state. Starting at stim start find the beginning of the exponential decay where the first derivative of V(t) is smaller than -0.005 V/s in 5 subsequent points. The flat subsequent to the exponential decay is defined as the point where the first derivative of the voltage trace is bigger than -0.005 and the mean of the follwowing 70 ms as well. If the voltage trace between the beginning of the decay and the flat includes more than 9 points, fit an exponential decay. Yield the time constant of that decay.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: ms
min_derivative = 5e-3 decay_start_min_length = 5 # number of indices min_length = 10 # number of indices t_length = 70 # in ms # get start and middle indices stim_start_idx = numpy.where(time >= stim_start)[0][0] # increment stimstartindex to skip a possible transient stim_start_idx += 10 stim_middle_idx = numpy.where(time >= (stim_start + stim_end) / 2.)[0][0] # get derivative t_interval = time[stim_start_idx:stim_middle_idx] dv = five_point_stencil_derivative(voltage[stim_start_idx:stim_middle_idx]) dt = five_point_stencil_derivative(t_interval) dvdt = dv / dt # find start and end of decay # has to be over deriv threshold for at least a given number of indices pass_threshold_idxs = numpy.append( -1, numpy.argwhere(dvdt > -min_derivative).flatten() ) length_idx = numpy.argwhere( numpy.diff(pass_threshold_idxs) > decay_start_min_length )[0][0] i_start = pass_threshold_idxs[length_idx] + 1 # find flat (end of decay) flat_idxs = numpy.argwhere(dvdt[i_start:] > -min_derivative).flatten() # for loop is not optimised # but we expect the 1st few values to be the ones we are looking for for i in flat_idxs: i_flat = i + i_start i_flat_stop = numpy.argwhere( t_interval >= t_interval[i_flat] + t_length )[0][0] if numpy.mean(dvdt[i_flat:i_flat_stop]) > -min_derivative: break dvdt_decay = dvdt[i_start:i_flat] t_decay = time[stim_start_idx + i_start:stim_start_idx + i_flat] v_decay_tmp = voltage[stim_start_idx + i_start:stim_start_idx + i_flat] v_decay = abs(v_decay_tmp - voltage[stim_start_idx + i_flat]) if len(dvdt_decay) < min_length: return None # -- golden search algorithm -- # from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar def numpy_fit(x, t_decay, v_decay): new_v_decay = v_decay + x log_v_decay = numpy.log(new_v_decay) (slope, _), res, _, _, _ = numpy.polyfit( t_decay, log_v_decay, 1, full=True ) range = numpy.max(log_v_decay) - numpy.min(log_v_decay) return res / (range * range) max_bound = min_derivative * 1000. golden_bracket = [0, max_bound] result = minimize_scalar( numpy_fit, args=(t_decay, v_decay), bracket=golden_bracket, method='golden', ) # -- fit -- # log_v_decay = numpy.log(v_decay + result.x) slope, _ = numpy.polyfit(t_decay, log_v_decay, 1) time_constant = -1. / slope
Subthreshold : The decay time constant of the voltage right after the stimulus
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Parameters: decay_start_after_stim (default = 1.0 ms), decay_end_after_stim (default = 10.0 ms)
Units: ms
interval_indices = numpy.where( (time >= interval_start) & (time < interval_end)) stim_start_index = get_index(time, stim_start) interval_time = time[interval_indices] - stim_end interval_voltage = abs( voltage[interval_indices] - voltage[stim_start_index]) # fit log_interval_voltage = numpy.log(interval_voltage) slope, _ = numpy.polyfit(interval_time, log_interval_voltage, 1) tau = -1. / slope
Subthreshold : When multiple stimuli are applied, this function returns a list of decay time constants each computed on the voltage right after each stimulus.
The settings multi_stim_start and multi_stim_end are mandatory for this feature to work. Each is a list containing the start and end times of each stimulus present in the current protocol respectively.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Required settings: multi_stim_start, multi_stim_end
Parameters: decay_start_after_stim (default = 1.0 ms), decay_end_after_stim (default = 10.0 ms)
Units: ms
multiple_decay_time_constant_after_stim = [] for i in range(len(number_stimuli): stim_start = multi_stim_start[i] stim_end = multi_stim_end[i] multiple_decay_time_constant_after_stim.append( decay_time_constant_after_stim(stim_start, stim_end) )
Subthreshold : The decay time constant of the exponential voltage decay from the bottom of the sag to the steady-state.
The start of the decay is taken at the minimum voltage (the bottom of the sag). The end of the decay is taken when the voltage crosses the steady state voltage minus 10% of the sag amplitude. The time constant is the slope of the linear fit to the log of the voltage. The golden search algorithm is not used, since the data is expected to be noisy and adding a parameter in the log ( log(voltage + x) ) is likely to increase errors on the fit.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, minimum_voltage, steady_state_voltage_stimend, sag_amplitude
Units: ms
# get start decay start_decay = numpy.argmin(vinterval) # get end decay v90 = steady_state_v - 0.1 * sag_ampl end_decay = numpy.where((tinterval > tinterval[start_decay]) & (vinterval >= v90))[0][0] v_reference = vinterval[end_decay] # select t, v in decay interval interval_indices = numpy.arange(start_decay, end_decay) interval_time = tinterval[interval_indices] interval_voltage = abs(vinterval[interval_indices] - v_reference) # get tau log_interval_voltage = numpy.log(interval_voltage) slope, _ = numpy.polyfit(interval_time, log_interval_voltage, 1) tau = abs(1. / slope)
Subthreshold : The difference between the minimal voltage and the steady state at stimend
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, steady_state_voltage_stimend, minimum_voltage, voltage_deflection_stim_ssse
Units: mV
if (voltage_deflection_stim_ssse <= 0): sag_amplitude = steady_state_voltage_stimend - minimum_voltage else: sag_amplitude = None
Subthreshold : The ratio between the sag amplitude and the maximal sag extend from voltage base
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, sag_amplitude, voltage_base, minimum_voltage
Units: constant
if voltage_base != minimum_voltage: sag_ratio1 = sag_amplitude / (voltage_base - minimum_voltage) else: sag_ratio1 = None
Subthreshold : The ratio between the maximal extends of sag from steady state and voltage base
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, steady_state_voltage_stimend, voltage_base, minimum_voltage
Units: constant
if voltage_base != minimum_voltage: sag_ratio2 = (voltage_base - steady_state_voltage_stimend) / (voltage_base - minimum_voltage) else: sag_ratio2 = None
Subthreshold : The ratio between the voltage deflection and stimulus current
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, voltage_deflection
Parameters: stimulus_current
Units: MΩ
ohmic_input_resistance = voltage_deflection / stimulus_current
Subthreshold : The ratio between the voltage deflection (between voltage base and steady-state voltage at stimend) and stimulus current
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, voltage_deflection_vb_ssse
Parameters: stimulus_current
Units: MΩ
ohmic_input_resistance_vb_ssse = voltage_deflection_vb_ssse / stimulus_current
Subthreshold : The voltage deflection between voltage base and steady-state voltage at stimend
The voltage base used is the average voltage during the last 10% of time before the stimulus and the steady state voltage at stimend used is the average voltage during the last 10% of the stimulus duration.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end, voltage_base, steady_state_voltage_stimend
Units: mV
voltage_deflection_vb_ssse = steady_state_voltage_stimend - voltage_base
Subthreshold : The voltage deflection between voltage base and steady-state voltage at stimend
The voltage base used is the average voltage during all of the time before the stimulus and the steady state voltage at stimend used is the average voltage of the five values before the last five values before the end of the stimulus duration.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: mV
voltage_base = numpy.mean(V[t < stim_start]) stim_end_idx = numpy.where(t >= stim_end)[0][0] steady_state_voltage_stimend = numpy.mean(V[stim_end_idx-10:stim_end_idx-5]) voltage_deflection = steady_state_voltage_stimend - voltage_base
Subthreshold : The voltage deflection between voltage base and steady-state voltage soon after stimulation start
The voltage base used is the average voltage during all of the time before the stimulus and the steady state voltage used is the average voltage taken from 5% to 15% of the stimulus duration.
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: mV
voltage_base = numpy.mean(V[t < stim_start]) tstart = stim_start + 0.05 * (stim_end - stim_start) tend = stim_start + 0.15 * (stim_end - stim_start) condition = numpy.all((tstart < t, t < tend), axis=0) steady_state_voltage_stimend = numpy.mean(V[condition]) voltage_deflection = steady_state_voltage_stimend - voltage_base
Subthreshold : The mean voltage after the stimulus in (stim_end + 25%*end_period, stim_end + 75%*end_period)
Required features: t, V, stim_end
Units: mV
tstart = stim_end + (t[-1] - stimEnd) * 0.25 tend = stim_end + (t[-1] - stimEnd) * 0.75 condition = numpy.all((tstart < t, t < tend), axis=0) voltage_after_stim = numpy.mean(V[condition])
Subthreshold : The minimum of the voltage during the stimulus
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: mV
minimum_voltage = min(voltage[numpy.where((t >= stim_start) & (t <= stim_end))])
Subthreshold : The maximum of the voltage during the stimulus
Required features: t, V, stim_start, stim_end
Units: mV
maximum_voltage = max(voltage[numpy.where((t >= stim_start) & (t <= stim_end))])
Subthreshold : Difference between maximum voltage during stimulus and voltage base
Required features: maximum_voltage, voltage_base
Units: mV
maximum_voltage_from_voltagebase = maximum_voltage - voltage_base
Python efeature : Check for a depolarization block. Returns 1 if there is a depolarization block or a hyperpolarization block, and returns 0 otherwise.
A depolarization block is detected when the voltage stays higher than the mean of AP_begin_voltage for longer than 50 ms.
A hyperpolarization block is detected when, after stimulus start, the voltage stays below -75 mV for longer than 50 ms.
Required features: AP_begin_voltage
Units: constant
Python efeature : Computes the impedance given a ZAP current input and its voltage response. It will return the frequency at which the impedance is maximal, in the range (0, impedance_max_freq] Hz, with impedance_max_freq being a setting with 50.0 as a default value.
Required features: current, spike_count, voltage_base, current_base
Units: Hz
normalized_voltage = voltage_trace - voltage_base normalized_current = current_trace - current_base if spike_count < 1: # if there is no spikes in ZAP fft_volt = numpy.fft.fft(normalized_voltage) fft_cur = numpy.fft.fft(normalized_current) if any(fft_cur) == 0: return None # convert dt from ms to s to have freq in Hz freq = numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(normalized_voltage), d=dt / 1000.) Z = fft_volt / fft_cur norm_Z = abs(Z) / max(abs(Z)) select_idxs = numpy.swapaxes(numpy.argwhere((freq > 0) & (freq <= impedance_max_freq)), 0, 1)[0] smooth_Z = gaussian_filter1d(norm_Z[select_idxs], 10) ind_max = numpy.argmax(smooth_Z) return freq[ind_max] else: return None
Python efeature : Time constant for an ion channel activation trace. Fits for stim_start to trace maximum interval as A - B * exp(-t/tau).
Attention! For voltage clamp data, user should pass the current response as voltage to efel. See voltage clamp example for more details.
Required features: time, voltage, stim_start, stim_end
Units: ms
def exp_fit(t, tau, A0, A1) -> np.ndarray | float: return A0 + A1 * np.exp(-t / tau) # isolate stimulus interval stim_start_idx = np.flatnonzero(time >= stim_start)[0] stim_end_idx = np.flatnonzero(time >= stim_end)[0] time_interval = time[stim_start_idx:stim_end_idx] voltage_interval = voltage[stim_start_idx:stim_end_idx] # keep trace going from stim_start to voltage max max_idx = np.argmax(voltage_interval) time_interval = time_interval[:max_idx + 1] voltage_interval = voltage_interval[:max_idx + 1] # correct time so that it starts from 0 time_interval -= time_interval[0] # fit popt, _ = curve_fit( exp_fit, time_interval, voltage_interval, p0=(1., voltage_interval[-1], voltage_interval[0] - voltage_interval[-1]), bounds=((0, -np.inf, -np.inf), (np.inf, np.inf, 0)), # positive tau, negative A1 nan_policy="omit", ) time_constant = np.array([abs(popt[0])])
Python efeature : Time constant for an ion channel deactivation trace. Fits for stim_start to stim_end as A + B * exp(-t/tau).
Attention! For voltage clamp data, user should pass the current response as voltage to efel. See voltage clamp example for more details.
Required features: time, voltage, stim_start, stim_end
Units: ms
def exp_fit(t, tau, A0, A1) -> np.ndarray | float: return A0 + A1 * np.exp(-t / tau) # isolate stimulus interval interval_indices = np.where((time >= stim_start) & (time < stim_end)) time_interval = time[interval_indices] voltage_interval = voltage[interval_indices] # correct time so that it starts from 0 time_interval -= time_interval[0] # fit popt, _ = curve_fit( exp_fit, time_interval, voltage_interval, p0=(1., voltage_interval[-1], max(0, voltage_interval[0] - voltage_interval[-1])), bounds=((0, -np.inf, 0), np.inf), # positive tau, positive A1 nan_policy="omit", ) time_constant = np.array([abs(popt[0])])
Python efeature : Time constant for an ion channel inactivation trace. Fits for trace maximum to stim end interval as A + B * exp(-t/tau). Depends on inactivation_tc_end_skip setting, which removes a given number of data points at the end of the trace, right before stim_end. This is useful to remove artifacts that would bias the fit. Default is 10 data points.
Attention! For voltage clamp data, user should pass the current response as voltage to efel. See voltage clamp example for more details.
Required features: time, voltage, stim_start, stim_end, inactivation_tc_end_skip (default = 10)
Units: ms
def exp_fit(t, tau, A0, A1) -> np.ndarray | float: return A0 + A1 * np.exp(-t / tau) # isolate stimulus interval stim_start_idx = np.flatnonzero(time >= stim_start)[0] stim_end_idx = np.flatnonzero(time >= stim_end)[0] time_interval = time[stim_start_idx:stim_end_idx - end_skip] voltage_interval = voltage[stim_start_idx:stim_end_idx - end_skip] # keep trace going from voltage max to stim end # remove end of trace to remove artifacts due to stimulus change max_idx = np.argmax(voltage_interval) time_interval = time_interval[max_idx:] voltage_interval = voltage_interval[max_idx:] # correct time so that it starts from 0 time_interval -= time_interval[0] # fit popt, _ = curve_fit( exp_fit, time_interval, voltage_interval, p0=(1., voltage_interval[-1], voltage_interval[0] - voltage_interval[-1]), bounds=((0, -np.inf, 0), np.inf), # positive tau, positive A1 nan_policy="omit", ) time_constant = np.array([abs(popt[0])])
Extracellular features¶
Extracellular features can be calculated for data from a microelectrode array (MEA). These features were written by Alessio Buccino and are described in Buccino et al., 2024 . The feautures can be either absolute, computed for each channel separately, or relative, computed with respect to the channel with the largest extracellular signal amplitude.
Attention! These features cannot be extracted with the usual get_feature_values function. They have to be extracted using the efel.pyfeatures.extrafeats module. To see how to use it, have a look at the Extracellular Features Extraction for MEA Data examples.
Extracellular (absolute): time in seconds between the negative and positive peaks.
If the negative peak precedes the positive one, the value of the feature is positive. Conversely, when the positive peak precedes the negative one, the value is negative. It takes an array of MEA recordings and the sampling frequency as input.
Input: waveforms(numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples)), sampling_frequency (float: rate at which the waveforms are sampled (Hz))
Required features: None
Units: s
trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) ptv = (peak_idx - trough_idx) * (1 / sampling_frequency) ptv[ptv == 0] = np.nan
Extracellular (absolute): waveform width in seconds.
Width of waveform at half of its amplitude in seconds. If the positive peak precedes the negative one, the value is negative. This procedure helps to maximize the shape information carried by the feature value.
Input: waveforms, sampling_frequency
Required features: None
Units: s
trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) ptratio = np.empty(trough_idx.shape[0]) ptratio[:] = np.nan for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if peak_idx[i] == 0 and trough_idx[i] == 0: continue ptratio[i] = np.abs(waveforms[i, peak_idx[i]] / waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]]) return ptratio
Extracellular (absolute): dV/dT of the action potential between the negative peak and the baseline.
After reaching its maximum depolarization, the neuronal potential will recover. The repolarization slope is defined as the dV/dT of the action potential between the negative peak and the baseline. Optionally the function returns also the indices per waveform where the potential crosses the baseline.
Input: waveforms, sampling_frequency
Required features: None
Units: V/s
trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) rslope = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0]) rslope[:] = np.nan return_to_base_idx = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0], dtype=np.int_) return_to_base_idx[:] = 0 time = np.arange(0, waveforms.shape[1]) * (1 / sampling_frequency) # in s for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if trough_idx[i] == 0: continue rtrn_idx = np.where(waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]:] >= 0)[0] if len(rtrn_idx) == 0: continue return_to_base_idx[i] = ( rtrn_idx[0] + trough_idx[i] ) # first time after trough, where waveform is at baseline if return_to_base_idx[i] - trough_idx[i] < 3: continue slope = _get_slope( time[trough_idx[i]:return_to_base_idx[i]], waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]:return_to_base_idx[i]] ) rslope[i] = slope[0] if not return_idx: return rslope else: return rslope, return_to_base_idx
Extracellular (absolute): After depolarization, the neuron repolarizes until the signal peaks. The recovery slope is the slope of the action potential after the peak, returning to the baseline in dV/dT. The slope is computed within a user-defined window after the peak (default = 0.7 ms).
Input: waveforms, sampling_frequency, window (float: length after peak wherein to compute recovery slope (ms))
Required features: None
Units: V/s
_, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) rslope = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0]) rslope[:] = np.nan time = np.arange(0, waveforms.shape[1]) * (1 / sampling_frequency) # in s for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if peak_idx[i] in [0, waveforms.shape[1]]: continue max_idx = int(peak_idx[i] + ((window / 1000) * sampling_frequency)) max_idx = np.min([max_idx, waveforms.shape[1]]) if len(time[peak_idx[i]:max_idx]) < 3: continue slope = _get_slope( time[peak_idx[i]:max_idx], waveforms[i, peak_idx[i]:max_idx] ) rslope[i] = slope[0] return rslope
Extracellular (relative): The relative amplitude of the negative peak with respect to the negative signal peak of the channel with the largest amplitude. For the largest-amplitude channel, this feature has a value of 1.
Input: waveforms
Required features: None
Units: constant
fun = np.min peak_amp = np.abs(fun(waveforms)) relative_peaks = np.abs(fun(waveforms, 1)) / peak_amp return relative_peaks
Extracellular (relative): The relative amplitude of the positive signal peak with respect to the positive signal peak of the channel with the largest amplitude. For the largest-amplitude channel, this feature has a value of 1.
Input: waveforms
Required features: None
Units: constant
fun = np.max peak_amp = np.abs(fun(waveforms)) relative_peaks = np.abs(fun(waveforms, 1)) / peak_amp return relative_peaks
Extracellular (relative): The time difference between the negative signal peak with respect to the negative signal peak of the channel with the largest amplitude. For the largest-amplitude channel, this feature has a value of 0. Note that values can also be negative if the respective negative signal peak occurs earlier than the negative signal peak on the largest-amplitude channel.
Input: waveforms, sampling_frequency
Required features: None
Units: s
argfun = np.argmin peak_chan = np.unravel_index(argfun(waveforms), waveforms.shape)[0] peak_time = argfun(waveforms[peak_chan]) relative_peak_times = (argfun(waveforms, 1) - peak_time) / fs return relative_peak_times
Extracellular (relative): The time difference between the positive peak with respect to the occurrence of the positive peak of the channel with the largest amplitude. For the largest-amplitude channel, this feature has a value of 0. Note that values can also be negative if the respective positive signal peak occurs earlier than the positive signal peak on the largest-amplitude channel.
Input: waveforms, sampling_frequency
Required features: None
Units: s
argfun = np.argmax peak_chan = np.unravel_index(argfun(waveforms), waveforms.shape)[0] peak_time = argfun(waveforms[peak_chan]) relative_peak_times = (argfun(waveforms, 1) - peak_time) / fs return relative_peak_times
Extracellular (relative): Voltage values at the time of the negative signal peak on the largest-amplitude channel. The values are normalized by the negative signal-amplitude value on the largest-amplitude channel.
Input: waveforms
Required features: None
Units: constant
funarg = np.argmin fun = np.min peak_channel, peak_time = np.unravel_index( funarg(waveforms), waveforms.shape ) relative_peaks = waveforms[:, peak_time] / fun(waveforms[peak_channel]) return relative_peaks
Extracellular (relative): The voltage values at the time of the positive signal peak on the largest-amplitude channel. The values are normalized by the positive signal-amplitude value on the largest-amplitude channel.
Input: waveforms
Required features: None
Units: constant
funarg = np.argmax fun = np.max peak_channel, peak_time = np.unravel_index( funarg(waveforms), waveforms.shape ) relative_peaks = waveforms[:, peak_time] / fun(waveforms[peak_channel]) return relative_peaks