DEAP optimisation ================= .. contents:: Introduction ------------ Using the eFEL, pyNeuron and the DEAP optimisation library one can very easily set up a genetic algorithm to fit parameters of a neuron model. We propose this setup because it leverages the power of the Python language to load several software tools in a compact script. The DEAP (Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python) allows you to easily switch algorithms. Parallelising your evaluation function over cluster computers becomes a matter of only adding a couple of lines to your `code `_, thanks to `pyScoop `_. In this example we will assume you have installed `eFEL `_, `pyNeuron `_ and `DEAP `_ The code of the example below can be downloaded from `here `_ To keep the example simple, let's start from a passive single compartmental model. The parameters to fit will be the conductance and reversal potential of the leak channel. We will simulate the model for 1000 ms, and at 500 ms a step current of 1.0 nA is injected until the end of the simulation. The objective values of the optimisation will be the voltage before the current injection (i.e. the 'voltage_base' feature), and the steady state voltage during the current injection at the end of the simulation ('steady_state_voltage'). Evaluation function ------------------- We now have to use pyNeuron to define the evaluation function to be optimised. The input arguments are the parameters:: g_pas, e_pas and the return values:: abs(voltage_base - target_voltage1) abs(steady_state_voltage - target_voltage2) This translates into the following file (let's call it ''):: import neuron neuron.h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') import efel # pylint: disable=W0212 def evaluate(individual, target_voltage1=-80, target_voltage2=-60): """ Evaluate a neuron model with parameters e_pas and g_pas, extracts eFeatures from resulting traces and returns a tuple with abs(voltage_base-target_voltage1) and abs(steady_state_voltage-target_voltage2) """ neuron.h.v_init = target_voltage1 soma = neuron.h.Section() soma.insert('pas') soma.g_pas = individual[0] soma.e_pas = individual[1] clamp = neuron.h.IClamp(0.5, sec=soma) stim_start = 500 stim_end = 1000 clamp.amp = 1.0 clamp.delay = stim_start clamp.dur = 100000 voltage = neuron.h.Vector() voltage.record(soma(0.5)._ref_v) time = neuron.h.Vector() time.record(neuron.h._ref_t) neuron.h.tstop = stim_end trace = {} trace['T'] = time trace['V'] = voltage trace['stim_start'] = [stim_start] trace['stim_end'] = [stim_end] traces = [trace] features = efel.get_feature_values(traces, ["voltage_base", "steady_state_voltage"]) voltage_base = features[0]["voltage_base"][0] steady_state_voltage = features[0]["steady_state_voltage"][0] return abs(target_voltage1 - voltage_base), \ abs(target_voltage2 - steady_state_voltage) Setting up the algorithm ------------------------ Now that we have an evaluation function we just have to pass this to the DEAP optimisation library. DEAP allows you to easily set up a genetic algorithm to optimise your evaluation function. Let us first import all the necessary components:: import random import numpy import deap import import deap.benchmarks from deap import base from deap import creator from deap import tools from deap import algorithms random.seed(1) Next we define a number of constants that will be used as settings for DEAP later:: # Population size POP_SIZE = 100 # Number of offspring in every generation OFFSPRING_SIZE = 100 # Number of generations NGEN = 300 # The parent and offspring population size are set the same MU = OFFSPRING_SIZE LAMBDA = OFFSPRING_SIZE # Crossover probability CXPB = 0.7 # Mutation probability, should sum to one together with CXPB MUTPB = 0.3 # Eta parameter of cx and mut operators ETA = 10.0 We have two parameters with the following bounds:: # The size of the individual is 2 (parameters g_pas and e_pas) IND_SIZE = 2 LOWER = [1e-8, -100.0] UPPER = [1e-4, -20.0] As evolutionary algorithm we choose `NSGA2 `_:: SELECTOR = "NSGA2" Let's create the DEAP individual and fitness. We set the weights of the fitness values to -1.0 so that the fitness function will be minimised instead of maximised:: creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=[-1.0] * 2) The individual will just be a list (of two parameters):: creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.Fitness) We want to start with individuals for which the parameters are picked from a uniform random distribution. Let's create a function that returns such a random list based on the bounds and the dimensions of the problem:: def uniform(lower_list, upper_list, dimensions): """Fill array """ if hasattr(lower_list, '__iter__'): return [random.uniform(lower, upper) for lower, upper in zip(lower_list, upper_list)] else: return [random.uniform(lower_list, upper_list) for _ in range(dimensions)] DEAP works with the concept of 'toolboxes'. The user defines genetic algorithm's individuals, operators, etc by registering them in a toolbox. We first create the toolbox:: toolbox = base.Toolbox() Then we register the 'uniform' function we defined above:: toolbox.register("uniformparams", uniform, LOWER, UPPER, IND_SIZE) The three last parameters of this register call will be passed on to the 'uniform' function call Now we can also register an individual:: toolbox.register( "Individual", tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.uniformparams) And a population as list of individuals:: toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.Individual) The function to evaluate we defined above. Assuming you saved that files as '', we can import it as a module, and register the function:: import deap_efel_eval1 toolbox.register("evaluate", deap_efel_eval1.evaluate) For the mutation and crossover operator we use builtin operators that are typically used with NSGA2:: toolbox.register( "mate",, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER) toolbox.register("mutate",, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER, indpb=0.1) And then we specify the selector to be used:: toolbox.register( "select", tools.selNSGA2) We initialise the population with the size of the offspring:: pop = toolbox.population(n=MU) And register some statistics we want to print during the run of the algorithm:: first_stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[0]) second_stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[1]) stats = tools.MultiStatistics(obj1=first_stats, obj2=second_stats) stats.register("min", numpy.min, axis=0) The only thing that is left now is to run the algorithm in 'main':: if __name__ == '__main__': pop, logbook = algorithms.eaMuPlusLambda( pop, toolbox, MU, LAMBDA, CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, stats, halloffame=None) For you convenience the full code is in a code block below. It should be saved as ''. Running the code ---------------- Assuming that the necessary dependencies are installed correctly the optimisation can then be run with:: python The full code of '':: import random import numpy import deap import import deap.benchmarks from deap import base from deap import creator from deap import tools from deap import algorithms random.seed(1) POP_SIZE = 100 OFFSPRING_SIZE = 100 NGEN = 300 ALPHA = POP_SIZE MU = OFFSPRING_SIZE LAMBDA = OFFSPRING_SIZE CXPB = 0.7 MUTPB = 0.3 ETA = 10.0 SELECTOR = "NSGA2" IND_SIZE = 2 LOWER = [1e-8, -100.0] UPPER = [1e-4, -20.0] creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=[-1.0] * 2) creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.Fitness) def uniform(lower_list, upper_list, dimensions): """Fill array """ if hasattr(lower_list, '__iter__'): return [random.uniform(lower, upper) for lower, upper in zip(lower_list, upper_list)] else: return [random.uniform(lower_list, upper_list) for _ in range(dimensions)] toolbox = base.Toolbox() toolbox.register("uniformparams", uniform, LOWER, UPPER, IND_SIZE) toolbox.register( "Individual", tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.uniformparams) toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.Individual) import deap_efel_eval1 toolbox.register("evaluate", deap_efel_eval1.evaluate) toolbox.register( "mate",, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER) toolbox.register("mutate",, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER, indpb=0.1) toolbox.register("variate", deap.algorithms.varAnd) toolbox.register( "select", tools.selNSGA2) pop = toolbox.population(n=MU) first_stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[0]) second_stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[1]) stats = tools.MultiStatistics(obj1=first_stats, obj2=second_stats) stats.register("min", numpy.min, axis=0) if __name__ == '__main__': pop, logbook = algorithms.eaMuPlusLambda( pop, toolbox, MU, LAMBDA, CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, stats, halloffame=None)