
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

5.6.6 - 2024-04

  • Adding AP_height to documentation

5.6.0 - 2024-02

  • Reduce 3 alternative implementations to get ISIs into 1.

  • “all_ISI_values” is recommended, “ISI_values” and “ISIs” are deprecated.

  • The features depending on “ISI_values” are moved to Python and now they depend on “all_ISI_values”.

  • BUGFIX: single_burst_ratio, irregularity_index, burst_mean_freq, interburst_voltage features were ignoring the first two ISIs when the ignore_first_ISI was set.

  • Added new feature: inv_ISI_values that computes and returns all of the inverse isi values.

5.5.5 - 2024-01

  • Type annotate’s functions.

  • Deprecate camel case function names in

  • Start using same requirements_docs.txt in readthedocs and tox.

  • Enable autodoc and typehints in the API documentation.

  • Fix docstring errors in the io module.

  • Add changelog to the documentation.

[5.5.4] - 2024-01

  • New feature: phaseslope_max

5.5.3 - 2024-01

  • Add type stub for cppcore module to make Python recognise the C++ functions’ arguments and return values.

5.5.0 - 2024-01

C++ changes

  • AP_end_indices, AP_rise_time, AP_fall_time, AP_rise_rate, AP_fall_rate do not take into account peaks before stim_start anymore.

  • New test and test data for spontaneous firing case. The data is provided by github user SzaBoglarka using cell

5.4.0 - 2024-01

C++ changes

  • New C++ function getFeatures replaced getVec.

  • getFeatures automatically handles failures & distinguishes empty results from failures.

  • Centralized error handling in getFeatures shortens the code by removing repetitions.

  • C++ features’ access is restricted. Read-only references are marked const.

  • Removed wildcard features from C++ API. Use of Python is encouraged for that purpose.

Python changes

  • bpap_attenuation feature is added to the Python API.

  • Spikecount, Spikecount_stimint, burst_number, strict_burst_number and trace_check features migrated to Python from C++.

  • check_ais_initiation is added to the Python API.

