Use of eFEL on the models downloaded from the Neocortical Microcircuit Portal ============================================================================= Requirements: - Python 3.9+, including Pip ( - A version of Neuron (with Python support) installed on your computer (for instruction, see Make matplotlib plots show up in the notebook: .. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline Install the eFeature Extraction Library: .. code:: ipython3 !pip install efel import efel Get a model package from the website .. code:: ipython3 !curl -o Unzip the model package: .. code:: ipython3 !unzip Change directory to the model package directory: .. code:: ipython3 import os os.chdir('L5_TTPC2_cADpyr232_1') Compile the Neuron mechanisms (if this fails, you might not have installed Neuron correctly) .. code:: ipython3 !nrnivmodl ./mechanisms Import the model package in Python, and run it: .. code:: ipython3 import run run.main(plot_traces=True) .. parsed-literal:: Warning: no DISPLAY environment variable. --No graphics will be displayed. .. parsed-literal:: Loading constants Setting temperature to 34.000000 C Setting simulation time step to 0.025000 ms 1 1 1 Loading cell cADpyr232_L5_TTPC2_8052133265 Attaching stimulus electrodes Setting up step current clamp: amp=0.593063 nA, delay=700.000000 ms, duration=2000.000000 ms Setting up hypamp current clamp: amp=-0.286011 nA, delay=0.000000 ms, duration=3000.000000 ms Attaching recording electrodes Setting simulation time to 3s for the step currents Disabling variable timestep integration Running for 3000.000000 ms Soma voltage for step 1 saved to: python_recordings/soma_voltage_step1.dat Loading cell cADpyr232_L5_TTPC2_8052133265 Attaching stimulus electrodes Setting up step current clamp: amp=0.642485 nA, delay=700.000000 ms, duration=2000.000000 ms Setting up hypamp current clamp: amp=-0.286011 nA, delay=0.000000 ms, duration=3000.000000 ms Attaching recording electrodes Setting simulation time to 3s for the step currents Disabling variable timestep integration Running for 3000.000000 ms Soma voltage for step 2 saved to: python_recordings/soma_voltage_step2.dat Loading cell cADpyr232_L5_TTPC2_8052133265 Attaching stimulus electrodes Setting up step current clamp: amp=0.691907 nA, delay=700.000000 ms, duration=2000.000000 ms Setting up hypamp current clamp: amp=-0.286011 nA, delay=0.000000 ms, duration=3000.000000 ms Attaching recording electrodes Setting simulation time to 3s for the step currents Disabling variable timestep integration Running for 3000.000000 ms Soma voltage for step 3 saved to: python_recordings/soma_voltage_step3.dat .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_14_2.png .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_14_3.png .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_14_4.png Load the output of the model package in numpy array .. code:: ipython3 import numpy times = [] voltages = [] for step_number in range(1,4): data = numpy.loadtxt('python_recordings/soma_voltage_step%d.dat' % step_number) times.append(data[:, 0]) voltages.append(data[:, 1]) Prepare the traces for the eFEL .. code:: ipython3 traces = [] for step_number in range(3): trace = {} trace['T'] = times[step_number] trace['V'] = voltages[step_number] trace['stim_start'] = [700] trace['stim_end'] = [2700] traces.append(trace) Run the eFEL on the trace .. code:: ipython3 feature_values = efel.get_feature_values(traces, ['mean_frequency', 'adaptation_index2', 'ISI_CV', 'doublet_ISI', 'time_to_first_spike', 'AP_height', 'AHP_depth_abs', 'AHP_depth_abs_slow', 'AHP_slow_time', 'AP_width', 'peak_time', 'AHP_time_from_peak']) Plot frequencies over steps .. code:: ipython3 import pylab for step_number in range(3):, feature_values[step_number]['mean_frequency'][0], align='center') pylab.ylabel('Mean frequency (Hz)') pylab.xlabel('Step number') pylab.xticks(range(3), range(1,4)) .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_22_0.png Plot AP height and AHP depth .. code:: ipython3 for step_number in range(3): time = times[step_number] voltage = voltages[step_number] peak_times = feature_values[step_number]['peak_time'] ahp_time = feature_values[step_number]['AHP_time_from_peak'] ap_heights = feature_values[step_number]['AP_height'] AHP_depth_abss = feature_values[step_number]['AHP_depth_abs'] pylab.plot(time,voltage) pylab.plot(peak_times, ap_heights, 'o') pylab.plot(peak_times+ahp_time, AHP_depth_abss, 'o') pylab.xlabel('Time (ms)') pylab.ylabel('Vm (mV)') .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_24_0.png .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_24_1.png .. image:: L5TTPC2_files/L5TTPC2_24_2.png