Reading different file formats ============================== Neo is a Python package which provides support for reading a wide range of neurophysiology file formats, including Spike2, NeuroExplorer, AlphaOmega, Axon, Blackrock, Plexon and Tdt. The function :func:`` reads data from any of the file formats supported by Neo and formats it for use in eFEL. As an example, suppose we have an .abf file containing a single trace. Since eFEL requires information about the start and end times of the current injection stimulus, we provide these times as well as the filename:: import efel data ="path/first_file.abf", stim_start=200, stim_end=700) Since some file formats can contain multiple recording episodes (e.g. trials) and multiple signals per episode, the function returns traces in a list of lists, like this:: data : [Segment_1, Segment_2, ..., Segment_n] with Segment_1 = [Trace_1, Trace_2, ..., Trace_n] Since our file contains only a single recording episode, our list of traces is:: traces = data[0] which we pass to eFEL as follows:: features = efel.get_feature_values(traces, ['AP_amplitude', 'voltage_base']) Stimulus information within the file ------------------------------------ Some file formats can store information about the current injection stimulus. In this second example, the file contains an :class:`Epoch` object named "stimulation", so we don't need to explicitly specify `stim_start` and `stim_end`:: data2 ="path/second_file.h5")